"Those who forget the pasta are condemned to reheat it." ~Unknown

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lost Sunday

     Tonight's Cy's night, but he (and Mom and Dad) are sick, so Dad's taken over.  He's making some basic, uninspired quesadillas from the Outdoor Living Cookbook (though no one would want to live outside on a night like this).  As per the recipe, dad is shredding two boiled chicken breasts, and there's a nice big pile of grated Montery Jack Cheese on the counter.
     Yesterday, I went to my first Speech and Debate Tournament, at Clackamas High School.  I liked it, but I really shouldn't have been competing in prose.  This morning we went to Mimi's house, and came home with her turntable and some speakers.  Cy and I spent most of the afternoon setting it all up in the basement, but we couldn't get it to work.  Mom got about five seconds of Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds to come through the speakers, and then, somehow, Dad got it to work.
     We've had the quesadillas, and while they were perfectly good, they weren't anything of Sunday Dinner caliber.  For a side, we had a winter squash, one of the ones that works their way into every meal that we have this time of year.  It's a lost Sunday I guess, but that isn't too important, especially when almost everyone is sick.

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